Mood and Food

Mood and FoodAt the end of April, Annie Lambeth- Mansell invited a guest lecturer, Owen Raybould of Ancestral Health & Nutrition,,  to deliver a session for the Adopting a Healthier Lifestyle module. Owen’s session covered the topics below:

1) The ‘food and mood’ talk.

2) A 45 minute session on practical approaches to healthy eating, and understanding the modern food environment – shopping choices and cooking options, as taken from the course Owen runs for Mind, which aims to achieve the recommendations of the food and mood talk.

3) A 45 minute session on the Evolutionary / Ancestral approach to mental health and health in general (Eat, Sleep and Move) with some more information about the movement as a whole including Owen’s involvement in Health Unplugged, and thoughts on where the Ancestral Health movement is going.Owen also apoke about the foraging which he teaches and explained why there is a growing interest in this as an activity (natural movement, use of the brain, exposure to nature, etc)

Below is a link to a podcast Owen recorded for Paleo Britain:

Senior lecturer in Sports Studies, Julia West, who also attended the lecture said ‘The mood and food guest lecture was very interesting and helped to clarify the link between diet, brain and subsequent potential behavioural responses. It provoked some of my thinking in terms of mood regulation, emotional intelligence and diet. The concept of adrenal fatigue was also interesting as were the potential links to Alzheimer’s’.

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